PS Electrical Service

  • Regular Clients

Some Of Our Clients

PS Electrical Service is local to Chester, and was established in 2001. After many years of employment in the electrical industry, my aim now is to bring a wide range of electrical services to home owners, landlords, businesses and light industry in one versatile and responsive package.

If you need advice, please call my mobile and ask away. There really is no such thing as a silly question.

Paul Stephens
Blacon Point Rd, Chester.

We're available to look after your electrical emergency 24h a day.

Some Regular Clients

Pressure Drop Brewing (complete new fit out)
Square Root Soda (complete new fit out)
Monohon Ramen restaurant Old St (new start up)
London Buddhist Centre  (ongoing maintenance and inspection of all properties)
AC Cooper Photography, Regents St
Square Soda  (process controls and 3ph distribution)
Osteria Tufo Restaurant (new 3ph distribution and ongoing maintenance)
St Mary’s Secret Garden
Brodies Beers of Leyton (process controls)
North London Buddhist Centre
E5 Bakehouse Hackney (process controls for baking)
Buddhafield Festival  Electrical safety supervision
Clapton Craft Fit out of new shop